Speaking Travel & Other Blessings Into Existence
Tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction will shift you from wishing for what you want to speaking to what you want.
If you are not familiar with the power of the Law Of Attraction, stop reading and click here . Come back after you get blessed with this knowledge. For those of us already in the know, you’ve seen the magic in the Law of Attraction. And if you haven’t already come to a conclusion, trust me, it’s REAL! Last week I attracted a trip to New York City where I snapped the picture above on Broadway In Manhattan. As I laid in the bed at the Opera House hotel I took to Instagram to reflect on how I had just spoke a trip to New York into existence.
I posted the pic above with this caption:
Laying in these bomb hotel sheets thinking about how powerful our words are. Speaking things into existence is one of our superpowers! I said “I’m coming to New York soon” And in about 48 hours my train ticket and hotel reservation was being emailed to me. Moral of the story is use the power you have to create the things you want to exist. Want to travel ✈️ Say it! Want money 💰 Speak it! The key is to speak from a place of desire and not need. Need is a low vibration and often times is generated by fear (another low vibration emotion) Speaking from desire is more on the side of imagination which is fun and carefree. When you desire something you’re not really tripping if you don’t get it. I desire a trip to #Maldives but I’m cooling until it comes versus I NEED to pay my bill and if I don’t there’s a consequence. See the difference? Now go speak somethings into existence to kick off spring ! The rest of March will be a manifestation marathon of great things pouring in....because I said so! Speak It and Believe it! #FaithTalk #FaithWalk #SpeakItIntoExistence
It’s that simple! Are you ready to speak some things into existence and attract
your desires into your life? Exactly what you wish for and speak of is waiting for you.
New York blessed me with beautiful visuals, murals, and culture. Warm temps and sunshine....not so much. Most of my time was spent between Harlem and The Bronx where I ate at Sylvia's (The Queen of Soulfood), grabbed drinks at The Honeywell, and snapped a pic in front of the World Famous Apollo Theater.
Great times in the city! *speaks into existence* I’ll be traveling back to New York City very soon 😊🗽 Where are you traveling? What things are you speaking into existence? Let’s talk!
Email me: Cherise@ceochiclife.com
DM me: @ceochiclife.com