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New Business, New Book: 50 Sips Of T.E.A (E-Book)

Two months ago today marked a special time in my life. Not only did I celebrate my birthday, but I celebrated myself, my drive, and my ambition by launching CEOCHICLIFE.COM and releasing my first book "50 Sips of T.E.A.". It was an emotional period and process for me because as bold it sounds, putting myself out there in such a way wasn't easy. I felt vulnerable and nervous, grappled by questions of "What if's". What if people don't like it? What if people think "She's doing too much"? What if I don't have the courage to complete this goal?

Fast forward two months and I could not be more proud of myself for saying "Yes" to my dreams and for accepting the challenge of achieving my goals. I sold more copies of the book than I anticipated, gained over 100 followers on the CEOCHICLIFE Instagram page, and most importantly inspired a group of people who have goals and dreams that they want to say yes to.

The book "50 Sips of T.E.A." is a collection of positive affirmations and encouraging words designed to inspire readers to speak positive to themselves and their situations. When people think and speak positively, the possibilities are endless. No one can tell you how great you are better than you can tell yourself. That title was inspired by my love of two types of tea, literal hot tea, and the "tea" associated with being in the know. "Girl did you get the tea on Idris Elba? Word is that he has a baby on the way." The title is also a play on the popular book series "50 Shades of Gray". The book "T.E.A." is an acronym for Transcendental Empowering Affirmations. These affirmations put your thoughts in a place that transcends space our time shifting your reality to thoughts of possibility. This type of speaking and thinking allows you to utilize the law of attraction by thinking and feeling your way to the things you want in, money, success, and health.

Facebook - *Exuse Me, Im just grateful* Part 2: Thank you sooooooooo much to eve

The biggest lesson learned from this process is that we can do anything we set our minds to. Our dreams and desires are the core of who we are and we are meant to manifest those things into our lives. Therefore, this is just the beginning of my quest to inspire everyone I come in contact with to say yes to their dreams! Join me in this journey by sharing the content on CEOCHICLIFE.COM and ordering your copy of the book "50 Sips of T.E.A.". Click here to order one for you and your crew!

Happy Dreaming and Achieving!

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