Dream Big: A Conversation With Taraji P. Henson
Before Cookie, there was a girl from DC with big dreams of becoming a star. In her high school year book picture a quote from Taraji...
New Business, New Book: 50 Sips Of T.E.A (E-Book)
Two months ago today marked a special time in my life. Not only did I celebrate my birthday, but I celebrated myself, my drive, and my...
CEO TALK: How To Be A Boss With Rick Ross
"You've got to know you're a BOSS before you even blow! You've got to feel that in your heart, you've got to carry yourself in that...
Happy Birthday Cherise! It's Time To Live The CEO CHIC LIFE!
Happy Birthday to me! This year I decided to do something different for my birthday. I wanted to gift myself with something that wouldn't...